BIOMAT 2021 GRANADA (ref.2455)



Mathematical Modeling, Mechanics and Biology

A course organized in a series of weekly seminars on current topics of mathematical modeling in developmental biology, biophysics, biomechanics and biomedicine aimed at researchers in training and the entire scientific community.

List of extended 1-hour seminars starting at 16:30 hours (EU time). They are open seminars but require prior registration at


·       February 3: José Antonio Carrillo, University of Oxford, UK. Aggregation-Diffusion models for differential adhesion and applications 

·       February 10: Nicola Bellomo, University of Granada, Spain. Mathematical Models for Covid-19 Pandemics in a Globally Connected World 

·       February 17: Alex Mogilner, Courant Institute, New York, USA. Mathematics of Mitotic Spindle 

·       February 24: Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Heidelberg University, Germany. TBA 

·       March 3: Benoît Ladoux , Jacques Monod Institute, CNRS & University of Paris, France. TBA 

·       March 10: Thomas Hillen, University of Alberta, Canada. Mathematical Modelling of Metastasis 

·       March 17: Andreas Deutsch, Technical University of Dresden, Germany. Collective effects in cancer invasion and progression 

·       March 24: Philip Maini, University of Oxford, UK. Modelling collective cell movement in biology and medicine 


IMPORTANTE: La información que aquí se detalla es simplemente un resumen de la convocatoria. Tiene únicamente carácter informativo, debiendo el interesado leer la convocatoria para conocer todos los aspectos de ésta.