Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R)
The HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) is a mechanism launched by the European Commission to support universities, research institutions, and research funding organisations in the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, which aim to contribute to the development of an attractive labour market for researchers in Europe.
The HR Excellence in Research Award gives public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resources policies with the principles set out in the Charter & Code.
The UGR obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award on 31 May 2017.

European Charter & Code for Researchers (C&C)
The European Charter for Researchers, to which the University of Granada formally adhered in 2016, together with the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, are the EU documents that set the guidelines for European Universities and Research Institutions to improve working and employment conditions for researchers, making research careers in Europe more appealing.
The Charter contains 40 principles defining the responsibilities and rights of researchers, as well as of organisations employing and/or funding researchers. They are organised into 4 main areas:

The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers consists of a set of principles to be followed by employers and/or funders when recruiting researchers.
These two documents are addressed to both researchers and employers and/or funding bodies in the public and private sector. The implementation of the Charter & Code principles contributes to making the European Research Area more attractive.
The full text of both documents is available on the Euraxess website
Stages in the process
- Internal analysis of the organisation that seeks to obtain the quality seal, in order to establish the degree of alignment with the Charter and the Code, and to detect any gaps between the institutional strategy and the C&C principles.
- Action plan: Once this analysis has been carried out, the organisation develops its own Human Resources Strategy for researchers by drawing up an Action Plan.
- HR Excellence in Research Award: The European Commission reviews this Action Plan in order to grant the award to the organisation. Upon approval, the institution makes the Action Plan public and is empowered to use the HR award.
- Self-assessment: The institution carries out a new internal analysis within a period of no more than two years to check compliance with the proposed Action Plan and design a new updated one.
- External evaluation: - The institution undergoes an external evaluation every 3 years, as part of which the European Commission assesses whether it is achieving its objectives and whether it will retain the HR Excellence in Research Award.
For more information: EURAXXESS-HRS4R