The HRS4R Strategy (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) is a mechanism launched by the European Commission to support universities, research institutions, and research funding organisations in the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The HR Excellence in Research Award gives public recognition to research institutions that have made progress in aligning their human resources policies with the principles set out in the Charter & Code.
The UGR obtained the HR Excellence in Research Award on 31 May 2017.

HRS4R of the UGR
The process of implementing the HRS4R consists of the following phases:
Initial phase
- The institution informs the European Commission of its intention to adhere to the principles of the European Charter & Code (C&C) and to implement them.
- An internal analysis is carried out in order to ascertain the organisation's degree of alignment with the C&C, and a gap analysis and action plan are developed to analyse its HR policies, detect possible shortcomings and establish the necessary actions to improve them and align them with the C&C.
- The European Commission reviews this action plan and grants the HR Excellence in Research Award to the institution, including it in the public list of institutions that have been conferred this recognition for HR research excellence.
Implementation phase
- Two years after obtaining the award, the organisation carries out an interim assessment where new actions are proposed and a revised action plan is established, which must be implemented within three years.
- The European Commission reviews the documentation and proposes possible improvements.
Renewal phase
- The institution undergoes an external evaluation every three years, as part of which the European Commission assesses whether it is achieving its objectives and whether it will retain the HR Excellence in Research Award.

The following link indicates the phases of the implementation process of the HRS4R strategy at the University of Granada and the associated documentation.
Open, transparent and merit-based (OTM-R) processes ensure that the best person for the job is recruited, thereby achieving greater equality, enhancing the competitiveness of national research systems, and strengthening international collaboration and cooperation.
The purpose of our Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) Policy is to work in accordance with the core principles of the Charter & Code. Drawing on the EU Report of the Steering Group on Human Resources Management, our OTM-R Policy lays out, in chronological order, the essential steps involved in the recruitment of researchers at the University of Granada, from the advertising/application phase and selection process, to the appointment of candidates.
View the OTM-R Policy of the University of Granada via the following link: