Initial Phase (2015-2017)
For the first stage, the UGR formed a working group composed of members from three different Vice-Rectorates: Research and Transfer, Teaching and Research Staff, and Internationalization. Its mission was to elaborate the internal analysis described in stage 1, leading to an Action Plan. The analysis was based on the template defining the 40 Principles of the Charter and the Code.
The group was formed in November 2015 and started with the design of the survey that was the basis for developing the Action Plan. The survey was sent to the university community (researchers and teaching staff) in December 2015. The responses were then analysed by the working group and used as the basis for a draft Action Plan, which was finalised in May 2016. The draft was presented to our stakeholders for feedback with further results that would constiute the final document of the Action Plan, a goal shared by the whole university community.
In 2017, the University of Granada received the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission in recognition of its continued commitment to adopting the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
- Commitment Letter (PDF)
- Strategy and GAP Análisis (PDF)
- Action Plan (PDF)
Implementation Phase of the Action Plan (2017-2019)
In this phase, the working group implemented a series of key proposals in the University of Granada's Strategy and Action Plan, including the Code of Good Practice in Research, the OTM-R Policy (Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment of Researchers) and the Guide for International Researchers. These valuable resources, which are available in English and Spanish, provide comprehensive information on recruitment procedures, ethical issues, and career development at the University of Granada. They also provide researchers with an overview of working conditions, support services, and training opportunities at our University. These actions, together with the self-assessment procedure, allow us to elaborate an updated and improved version of our Strategy and Action Plan for the next stages.
- Internal Review for Interim Assessment (PDF)
- OTM-R Checklist (PDF)
- UGR_OTMR_Policy (PDF)
- EC Consensus Report (PDF)
- Guide for International Researchers (PDF)
- Code of Good Practice in Research (PDF)