Research, Training and Mobility Programme - IFMIF-DONES

Research, Training and Mobility Programme - IFMIF-DONES

Resolution of  20th MAY of 2021 of the University of Granada, approving the regulatory bases and call for 13 positions for candidates with university degrees and doctorates or equivalent experience, financed by the IFMIF-DONES project.

The period for the submission of applications will begin 27 May and will end on 30 June 2021 at 23:59 GMT+2.

The purpose of this call is the recruitment of 13 positions aimed at university graduates and doctoral degree holders to carry out a research, training and mobility programme at international research centres and laboratories related to the IFMIF-DONES project.

The duration of each contract will be a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 24 months (with a final termination date of 30 June 2023) to be mainly executed at the specific research centre as defined in Annex A. Acceptance of the contract entails an obligatory mobility period at the host centre; otherwise the contract will be terminated. Any temporary absence or mobility during the contract period must be previously authorised by the Vice-Rectorate for Research and Knowledge Transfer.

Each selected candidate will be hired on a full-time temporary contract by the University of Granada for the whole period of the programme.

Application call for the research, training and mobility programme ifmif-dones

The applicants must submit the following documents in PDF format (in one or more files):

  1. Curriculum vitae in Europass or abbreviated CV template (annexing a description of the candidate’s main merits - up to 3 pages max and in English).
  2. Copy of PhD or doctoral degree (only for postdoctoral positions).
  3. Copy of the academic degree (full undergraduate degree programme/undergraduate degree programme/master's degree programme).
  4. B2 English certificate for non-native English speakers. Certifications at this level issued by the University of Granada and those included in the list of official certificates accepted by the University of Granada for the accreditation of foreign languages and their correspondence with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) will be accepted. The list is available on the website:ítica-linguistica/tablasdecertificadosaceptadosporlaugr/!
  5. Letter(s) of reference.
  6. Official documents supporting all the merits in the CV (contracts and functions in previous jobs, etc.).

The application form, together with the rest of the documentation, must be submitted through the “Sede Electrónica” UGR e-Administration Platform, via the procedure: “Investigación: Contratos con cargo a Grupos, Proyectos y Convenios”, which is available via the following web address:

This procedure will be mandatory for all persons in possession of a National Identification Document (DNI) or Foreigner Identification Number (NIE).

As an exception, for those who do not have a DNI or NIE, given that they are unable to be in possession of a valid electronic identification system in Spain, the application may be submitted through any of the procedures provided for in Law 39/2015, of 1 October, or they may authorise a third party in the established form, in order to submit the application on their behalf through the “Sede Electrónica” UGR e-Administration Platform.

Rafael Esteban:

Ruth Maldonado: